Friday, September 16, 2011

Infographics blog creation: What is the funda all about!

We know what a blog is! We have also come across the new term “infographics”- a combination of information and graphics. Well what is then the punch “infographics blog”? In plain words we can say that we like to create blog to express our thoughts and share knowledge with the world. It is found that nowadays we have little time to read a lot. Then is there no use of texts? Who says so? But some texts punched with images or graphics can catch our attention or let us understand things better. With this concept kept in mind now people are turning towards creation of infographics blogs. However, it is not that easy to create such a fantastic blog! From use of graphics to punch of text there has to be hands of great expertise of a graphic designer.

Yes, I am a freelance graphic designer and people come to me with the urge of creating infographics blog. And they do want to know how graphic designers like me work in this matter. I simply tell them the following things followed by any graphic designer. Find out how a blog owner also comes as indispensible:

  • Visualization: To create an infographics blog the first thing is visualization of the thought or subject you are trying to present to the visitors. Without proper visualization it is impossible to express anything with graphics and text. In this regards if you cannot imagine the representation you may take help of the designers with creative bent of mind.

  • Cutting edge design: It is not that you take up a template to create a blog where you would keep some places for text input! An infographics blog is a sheer balance of purposeful images and texts. So the work of design in this matter has to be cutting edge – every image or graphics has to be associated with proper text explanation. Performing this task the look should not become a mess of elements. Yes, you are to rely on your graphic designer but never hesitate to express your opinion every time you feel a mismatch.

  • The power of words: It is fine that you are taking help of graphics to visually strengthen your thoughts in your infographics blog! But you should not forget that the associated texts with the graphics have great importance. If you do not use concise, to the point text with the graphics, you could hardly make out your thoughts to the visitors. So you have to carefully write the small copy or take the help of professional content writers.

  • Search engine friendliness: While you are creating a blog you must have a goal – to deliver your thoughts to the world. Again you may be trying to promote your business through blog! Whatever it may be, you have to keep one thing in your mind – if search engines cannot understand what your thought is, people would not find your infographics blog! But if you represent your blog topic as a big image, no text is found by the search engines, then your blog would never come in a better positions of search engine results pages! So what should you do? Simply keep the texts in the code of the layout with proper user of keywords. In this regards a professional graphic designer or coder will certainly help you.

Well these are some of the factors that you need to take a look at while finding your infographics blog ready. Hope from the above points you have understood that you need to take the help of expert graphic designer who would not only help in the design but also help you visualize everything. Even giving suggestions on content write ups too! So while selecting a graphic designer, it is essential that you look into the graphic design portfolio of the designer to whom you would provide the responsibility of creating your infographics blog. So get your latest blog ready to grab more visitors fast.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Flash website gallery: Pros and cons of usage in a website

For every website proper exposure is a must. To make a site attractive we some times use animations! Whenever we name animation, flash comes first in our mind. Interestingly if we find creation of a full flash site difficult for budget or any other reasons we attempt at least a flash website gallery. And it is proven that a gallery has great importance to a website. A gallery always helps to express things better than simple text or images! Not just a flash gallery can attract visitors to your products or services; it can also be made interactive in guiding the visitors in use of your site. However, a gallery created with flash can come down as a backlash for its slow loading, annoying attitude or search engine unfriendliness.

I am a freelance graphic designer and have come across situations when clients want to know if they should use flash website gallery in their website or not? I never discourage them but do like to inform the following things for better returns on their investment on building a fantastic website. Let’s have a look at first on some pros:

  • Attention grabbing: The first thing a website aims at is to attract the users to its products and services. Simply putting some static images in your photo gallery you can hardly keep the visitors glued to look at the products or the images! A flash website gallery would keep your visitors mesmerized with its style of approach to the users.

  • Better exposure of everything: Whether it is your family photography or the images of your products or services, you would like to see those better exposed. Just using a flash website gallery you get the better opportunity to expose the images in various modes. A simple image can be turned into a video gallery with expertise of a flash developer.

  • An interactive guide: Yes, would you mind to guide your visitors properly with an interactive attitude? No, you would love to do so! Just using flash website gallery you can make your site interactive providing audio visual approach. Simply the potentiality of visitors turning into customers increases manifold.

Let us now see some of the drawbacks of using flash website gallery in your site:

  • Some animations can be annoying: It is fact that not always we like the over animation – non-stop audio of forced visit to a flash gallery. It is also found that sometimes the sites are full of animation and fewer places are found with text. So this situation should be avoided for sure.

  • Inexperience makes things mess: I am not against the use of flash website gallery! But some times for the inexperience of developers heavy flash files are created. Again there is no guarantee that the user’s internet connection is on average! In these cases the files load slowly and the users may not wait to see your beautiful presentation for sure!

  • Flash is not search engine friendly: It is till date true that Flash is not very much search engine friendly or in other words search crawlers cannot read the flash website gallery. So your presentations would hardly be found in the search engine results page. So the gallery is not coming up with the expectation posed on it. Your investment in building such gallery can go to sea to some extent.

So in this way hopefully you have understood how far useful a flash website gallery can be made! At the same time due to the lack of experience of the flash developers your investment can go into sea. But you can avoid such situation if you get the suggestion or expertise of an experienced designer. Again it is clear that limited use of flash can fetch out great result. To know how expert a designer is you should visit their web & graphic design portfolio. You would get an overall idea of the ability of the designer.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Printed business card: How to leave an influence

You always try to establish the brand identity of your business. With a purpose of promotion you have built website, gone for several advertisements and every possible ways. But have you ever thought about a printed business card for your business use? Yes, a business card can really leave great impact on people. The best impact is a quick glance on your contact details and you have to do something so that people keep you remembered. A quality or standard printed business card can do this for you. With its simple look, design, a catchy slogan and other factors - a business card can influence onlookers.

I am a freelance graphic designer and do design business cards for different sort of business persons. But I would like to tell you in plain- printed business card design needs to be taken little special care for a few print related factors. Let’s see some of important factors:

  • A simple design is a must: When you are thinking for designing a business card you should keep in mind that people need to remember you just at a glance. And to achieve this purpose a simple design is a must. So while choosing the color combination of the printed business card or thinking about the use of graphics you have to be minimalist. Too many graphics or a super glossy color would not attract the onlookers to remember the content. But the white space would focus on the minimum content in the card.

  • Managed content on the card: You have to remember one thing while putting content on the printed business card for you. The main purpose of the card is to let the onlooker remember the key contact details of yours. So while adding the content in the card keep the contact details in readable manner. Never thrust too many detailing in the card. At the same time you have to keep the content (texts & logo) bold in simple fonts. Even there has to be a compact and impressive slogan to keep you and your business remembered to the card bearer.

  • Printed format is different from computing: It is many a time found that the impression on the printed business cards is different from what it was found on the computer monitor. These can be so if your printer had shown you a color combination in RGB and showed the proof in CMYK. But these are no issues at all only a reflection of in experience. If you can get the service from an expert and experience business card developer or designer, you would find that designer is using CMYK color pallet and always keep the “hue & saturation” high while showing the proof on computer monitor and on paper you would find things right.

  • Size & formatting of the card has to be perfect: While you are trying to get your printed business card ready to be served to people, you have to be careful in the size of the card. It has to be of a size that fits in wallets or the card holders. Again the print should not be in a font that creates problem in reading. Even the size of the font should not be below 6 points. While the logo, company and your name has to be in 12 points. Even margin or the distance from the borders has to be well managed to show a good structure. These cases happen for inexperience of the designer and you need to go for maximized proof reading.

  • Quality of the card has to be excellent: Last but not the least, the paper quality of the card has to be good. You should not compromise in this matter for cheap rates. While the printed business cards would go in the hands of people then the thickness, glow of the paper would leave an impression in minds. So try a quality of card that certainly matches status of you and your business.

So these were the few important factors in getting a properly designed and printed business card. Everything depends on the output. Ultimately how the card look does matter. If you carefully remember the above points while getting your business card designed, you would find your card leaving great impression on everybody. When bestowing the responsibility of getting your printed business card ready to any designer, you should just check the graphic design portfolio of the designer to know how expert and experienced he or she is. So get your business card today!