Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why html code validation is important for your website

Arguably there can not be any website without HTML. But here the matter of discussion is not about creating a website without html. We are going to discuss about the html code validation. Many a time a question wonders in our mind - is there any importance of html validation, what are those? First we have to understand the meaning of validation in general. Validation is nothing but standardization. So when the question is about html validation, it is all about standardization of the html code used in any website. There are some good reasons of html code validation. I have tried to jot down few points below:
  • If a website has web pages without validated html codes, the pages become incompatible for different browsers. Browsers work on specific standards to read the html. If a webpage is not up to standards, the design is bound to break in different browsers.
  • In the case of programming, html code validation comes in use of debugging. If the codes maintain validation standards, it becomes easy to find out the bugs.
  • Validated html coding ensures compatibility of future up gradation of the html and do help in maintenance. Whatever the upper version of the html is to come, those will incorporate the present standards. And maintenance of the site gets easy.
  • Errors in the html coding prevent the search engines to crawl the web pages properly. All the crawlers follow specific standards of html code validation. If those crawlers find errors in the coding, the indexing of the site goes wrong and ranking of the pages will never be good.
  • If codes are according to html validation standards, the developers working on those get ease in the development procedure of any simple or complex website structure or the whole development.

So you could well understand why it is so important to validate the html coding of any website. Remember everything adheres to standard. Same applies to website building. Today html code validation has gone almost a mandatory part of website design and development. At least as a freelance graphic designer I never forget to validate the html code against all my designs. Moreover it boosts my confidence that I am offering something to the clients that is certainly validated or certified according to world standards.


marijina said...

Useful post about HTML, I really like this so much, Website coding is undergoing a creative change with more functionality and interactivity. Conventionally used HTML/CSS is being replaced with JavaScript, AJAX and JQUERY.
Web Development India

Website design pakistan said...

I agree to these all points. With the help of verification code, you can confident about your google optimization.