Friday, February 11, 2011

What is cross browser dhtml

We more or less no what is Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Simply to give the plain HTML the interactive attitude the developers use DHTML. And really it has bought life to the HTML. At the same time there are some issues for which dhtml do not perform well across all the browsers. Especially the problem of cross browser compatibility of the dhtml occurs in the "Netscape Navigator" (NS) and "Internet Explorer" (IE). Actually the dhtml is a coding that works for the document object model (DOM) manipulation in the object oriented coding structuring. But it has gone really a headache for the developers to make the dhtml compatible in cross browser platforms (NS and IE). But it does not really mean that the developers are going to end up sacrificing to the issue – they have invented the cross browser dhtml coding with which their dhtml can nicely work on all the browsers.

Now here we are going to see what the purpose of cross browser dhtml is! Rather as a freelance graphic designer I will try to venture how the dhtml is made cross browser compatible in plain language. Let us see the things in a non technical language:

  • Adapting to the specific DOM for all the browser platforms is a great issue. We all know that DOM is the key for modifying an object‘s property or triggering a specific behavior. This is a no issue for the developers to code in dhtml. But eventually it is found that the NS and IE have developed some specific DOM structure to integrate into their browsers. Foe example the coding to comply with the IFRAME model for the IE is not supported in NS. So what is going to be the solution - cross browser dhtml. Developers simply code their dhtml for both browsers.
  • It may be the case that developers have to use two separate dhtml pages to comply with the NS and IE. This process of cross browser dhtml coding is known as creation of "forking page". The client (browser) side when requests as NS it pulls the code for it and same way it shows specific dhtml code when requested from IE. The compatibility issue is more or less solved in this way.
  • Another way of creating cross browser dhtml is through amalgamation of the requirements for NS and IE. In this process developers create a coding structure that contains the contingencies for both the browsers. This is a code which works as relevant when particular browser request is got. The importance of using this type of dhtml is nothing but the light weight coding. At the same time the developers do not have to update their dhtml files also.
  • To make the cross browser dhtml situation the developers also use syntax patching or the meta dhtml creation process. In this process a ‘fork page’ is used at the beginning of a the dhtml structure which creates common library. In other words a patch up work is done atop the syntax structure of the DOM language. Simply meta dhtml is simple building blocks from which cross browser dhtml can be constructed.
  • To make the cross browser dhtml situation developers use the meta function library. This is nothing but a set of functions all of which operates separately on the basis of particular meta language principles that make the dhtml cross browser compatible. The useful part of this is very much interesting. Depending on this functional library no incompatible situation occurs as the library is huge to support almost all the issues.

Hope you have understood what is cross browser dhtml and how the developers have gone their all out to make the dhtml coding compatible to all the browsers. There are other processes in use for making dhtml working for all the browsers. I have tried to show you only five points that are hugely effective in this purpose. At the same time I must tell you that no specific example is cited simply to make the reading a normal one for all the reader who feel little uneasy when reading with technical citations. So when you hire website designer and web developer, do care and ask how will be the coding of the web pages. Do they know how to tackle the cross browser dhtml situation? I have told you to ask the designers as they do have a helping part in making the web pages compatible in several cross browser platforms. However in my case, as a freelance graphic designer, I never stop coding the web pages of my client cross browser dhtml compatible for highest performance in all the browers! At least I help my client in this regard up to my level best.