Saturday, July 2, 2011

Print ad design - What should be the expectation from the graphic designer

Can you ask anybody to know if he or she loves to see or even listen to advertisement? Maximum number of people would say that they do not like to waste time to notice advertisements. But does it mean that advertisements have lost their value? No, it is not at all. Actually the advertisement designers or creators make every people to see or notice the ads. We people need to congratulate specially the designers who create fantastic print ad design. With some animation, any ad can get the attractions easily. But think about the static printed advertisements. It is the color, fonts, arrangement of space, use of proper image and graphics thorough which print ad designs attract people to them.

Working as a freelance graphic designer, I have found people sometimes ask me how should be their print advertisement layout! At the same time I do face questions from clients regarding several requirements for their print ads. So let us see some facts that will help graphic designers come to the expectation of the clients. In other words if you are a clients you may note this points and can expects these things from your graphic designers when checking through their print ad design portfolio.

  • Clarity & Space managements: It is very much essential that as a print advertisement designer you know how to arrange the white or blank space in an advertisement layout. People do not like to look into very much clumsy ads. So quite a good quantity of white space will certainly help show off the ad matter cleanly.

  • Focused, persuasive text content placement: Being a print ad designer you need to know that the text content of your ad has to be very much focused, persuasive and has to be placed nicely in proper place. It should be given a proper importance to get perused. Even there has to be a headline.

  • Use of engaging image & graphic: We all know that simple texts cannot attract the viewers and make them to look at them for a few minutes. So as a print ad designer you got to use some engaging (certainly matching the purpose of the ad) images and graphics in your ad design. The images and graphics has to attract the viewers for making them read to understand the purpose the advertisement. But the use has to be limited as excessive use spoils the look.

  • Use of font has to be proper: Some times while trying to go very much fancy, we print ad designers try several odd fonts (not familiar to everybody), capital styles. But we need to realize that these things may irritate the viewers and sometimes people do not get the message to be conveyed. So every time we may use some styles in fonts but that should not look odd.

  • Color combination: Last but not the least – color combination of every print ad design has to be very much eye soothing. Remember while using colors in ad layouts the combination needs to be commensurate to every graphics, images and texts. If these things do not match, the total labor may go in vain.

Hope form the above points you have understood how should be the print advertisement designs. While selecting a designer, you must look into the print and graphic design portfolio of the designer. It is not that you cannot get affordable solutions for your business promotion! You need to just find the suitable designer. Finally, it is essential that your print ad design is purposeful in look and conveys the message properly. Hope your initiative gets successful.


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