Friday, August 19, 2011

Flash Vs HTML5: How relevant is the point of contradiction

In many cases you may like to build a website highly dynamic in look but not in function! Yes, I am talking about animations that just make the simple web pages just attractive in various ways! Well again to have some videos, games for entertainment, or the browsing mode (access through mobile phones) in your website you have to go for flash development! With its various facilities and friendly plug-ins flash developments have been serving us to build superb websites. However, there are some drawbacks of flash developments that have made the developers to think a new alternative for it. And thankfully a new alternative has come – HTML5. With its open source platform, easy access in mobile phones and other features, HTML5 is going highly popular just within few days. Interestingly again people have started comparing these two technologies and we are seeing lots of discussions about flash Vs html5.

Well, why such situation is created? This has gone a common enquiry among people or the customers who want to get their site developed with flash or html5. I am a freelance graphic designer and frequently I am asked how far the point of contradiction- flash Vs html5 is relevant? In what respect it is better to go for flash or the html5. Let’s see the things:

  • Use of resources & performance: It is true that Flash has been giving us better animations. But we have been accepting the slow performance. Yes, flash was not that much efficient in using the graphics processing unit (GPU) to perform better. But thanks to html5 that has come up with better use of GPU. At the same time html5 does not consume a lot of memory like flash which makes the performance of the operating system slow. So in this respect comparing flash Vs html5 we can say html5 is better for sure.

  • Mobile friendliness: Till people were satisfied using computers while accessing internet, everything was fine for Flash developments. But in recently we have found that mobile is taking the place of conventional computer types. People like to browse websites by mobile phones and here flash applications are falling short in showing charisma. Well html5 has come to rescue as it helps in creation of mobile friendly animations. So while thinking flash Vs html5, we have to say flash needs to improve this matter of mobile friendliness.

  • Open source so cost effective: When we like to develop some nice looking animations in flash animation, we got to think about the high development cost! Sometimes people back off because they do not get the desired development within budget. So when comparing flash Vs html5 we have to uphold html5 as it is open source.

  • Html5 not yet competitive & ready: For so much use and popularity Flash has become highly developed. And interestingly html5 has not yet become compatible with all the browsers even. So when we try to discuss the matter of flash Vs html5 we have to think twice as a child (html5) can hardly compete with a full grown man (flash)! Think till date html5 has not come out with many an implementation process while Flash has so many tools ready to get things done in proper way.

Hopefully the above points have pointed out how html5 is emerging against the drawbacks of flash. Yet as I have just mentioned in the above point we should not try things too hard in comparing flash Vs html5. As html5 is slowly getting developed and miles to walk, we should use flash properly where applicable. But how would you know where to use flash and where html5? It depends on the selection of the designer for your project. You have to look into the web and graphic design portfolio of the designer to know who far competence they are in using flash and html5. Hope you forget the flash Vs html5 controversy and get your site properly developed as per your desired.


Web Development Company said...

while HTML5 is being developed to ward off the hindrance of flash development, you have to agree that HTML5 is still in its development phase...